
Kim And Kanye Bought A Baby Double

Kim and Kanye were willing to spend $500,000 on a baby double and look a like for the nanny as well.

Apparently, Kanye and Kim aren’t willing to jeopardize North’s innocence and childhood. To ensure that they’re baby isn’t driven mad by the acts of the paparazzi, Kanye and Kim have spent $500,000 for a baby body double. That’s right, Kanye and Kim have spent over half a million dollars for a baby who sharply resembles their daughter North.

If that’s not crazy enough, they reportedly hired a body double for their nanny to completely keep the paparazzi off guard. Kanye and Kim aren’t the first parents to go up and beyond for their kids. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes did the same when their daughter Syri was merely a toddler.

So, don’t be bamboozled by the pictures, because, now, more than likely, we might not even be looking at the real North West. This shouldn’t come as surprising that Mr. West is taking these extreme precautions. Kanye doesn’t play around when it comes to the safety of his family.

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