
Cormega Drops Some Knowledge On “Industry”

After releasing “Industry” back in May, Cormega follows up with a pretty on-the-nose video directed by Chris Krook. The rhymer performs in front of a plain white background as some iconic images and album covers — shoutout to Criminal Minded — flash on television screens.

Listen up, kids. Queensbridge great Cormega has some wisdom to spread.

After releasing “Industry” back in May, Cormega follows up with a pretty on-the-nose video directed by Chris Krook. The rhymer performs in front of a plain white background as some iconic images and album covers — shoutout to Criminal Minded — flash on television screens. However, the charts and remote control are in the hands of stuffy Caucasians. Seeing the metaphor yet?

“Industry” is a cut off Mega Philosophy, which just hit stores this week.

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